Some people refuse to darken the doctor's door. "I'll be fine," they say. They're not wrong to be afraid. Crossing that threshold has consequences. No more autonomy. Inspection. Diagnosis.

The Ten Commandments are the doorway. God, the Creator, stands just inside. His design and desire are simple: faith toward Him and love toward others.

You're on the examination table now. The Physician takes a good look. Your defiant disobedience has distorted His design and desire. You're not just sick; you're dying. No, worse! You've suffocated under your own self-obsession.

There is another who calls Himself the door, God's Word made flesh, the obedient Son of the Creator, Jesus. He fulfilled His Father's demands: perfect faith and perfect love. He took your sickness and died your death. Then He burst the door of the tomb and left all your disobedience buried forever. He exited there in order to encounter your dead soul by His Holy Spirit. His Spirit now breathes new life into your dry bones in conformity to Himself (Galataians 4:19).

You very well may fear this Great Physician. But He teaches you to love and trust Him. He, and He alone, is your God.

There is one more doorway, though. Jesus stands behind it. The Law still stands as well. But you have already died and are "hidden with Christ" (Colossians 3:3). On the day you cross that threshold, :He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion" (Philippians 1:6), and you will see Him face-to-face.


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