2 Samuel 12:7 Nathan said to David, "You are the man!"

You are likely better at preserving memories than I am. If you have a box of old family photos, you likely have written the date, the event, and everyone's names on the back of each picture. That's certainly better than trusting that you'll remember it all ten years later.

Wouldn't it be great if a picture could come to life and tell us all about the scene and even draw us into the picture? That's what happened to David when Nathan finished the story of the selfish rich man, Nathan brought the story to life by saying, :You are the man!" David was the rich man who deserved to die.

We can fear that the story of our life will be retold and call for judgment. But we have the lasting story of Jesus, our hope. It is the living story that draws us all. The newborn Savior is our Savior, and the angel's words of peace are still true for us today. The nativity scene is our living picture and invites us to come near and hear His words or peace and forgiveness.

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,