When Neil Armstrong brought back moon rocks from the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, the rocks were distributed to all 50 states, but many of the mementos vanished. Saddened by this development, rock hunter Joseph Gutheinz sought out the missing treasures. He successfully located all the states' rocks, except for two, New Jersey and Delaware.

While some of the rocks were stolen, Gutheinz discovered that 40 states did not record where they put the moon rocks. They simply lost track of them. Something similar can happen with the treasure of our faith in Christ, received by the power of the Holy Spirit through baptism.

Our precious faith can be ignored, or buried under work assignments or personal hobbies. Perhaps we have lost touch with some fellow believers.

In one of Jesus' parables, a woman searched for a lost coin. She was determined to look for the coin until she found it and was overjoyed when she discovered it. Our attitude should be the same as we re-embrace our faith and our fellow followers of Christ. Set aside some time to search for special friends in the faith and reconnect.

Never let the Word of God or the bonds you have with others disappear from your life!

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