If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it. John 14:14 

Jesus’ very presence is like the presence of his Father in heaven. It is the Father who sent Jesus to be with us, to teach us, to heal us and to give his life for us so that we may all be brought home as children of our Father in heaven. So now he encourages us to pray to our Father as God’s own children, trusting that because it is Jesus who has invited us home, we are, in fact, welcomed in the Father’s presence and our requests are heard. 

Prayer helps us in the healing of all our scars. When children are hurt or injured and come to their parents for help, the parent is there to help. God knows how many bandages I have placed on the knees and elbows of my children and grandchildren, with a kiss and a hug. We trust the Father to hear us, even as the Father hears the prayers of his Son on our behalf

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,