I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6 

Jesus offers many “I am” sayings in the Gospel of John, but this one stands out in particular because it is often one of the readings at funerals. Jesus has again spoken of his departure, and his words here are now a response to Thomas’ question, “How can we know the way?” But Jesus is the way—the way to follow, as we are called to be followers of this Cross-bearer. He is the truth of promise. He is the life that never ends. 

The early church often went under the title of those who “belonged to the Way” (Acts 9:2)—a description often associated with their persecution. The way is dangerous and may lead to suffering and death. One can understand how we, like Thomas, may struggle to understand it, let alone appreciate it. But when we know Who is leading, we have the wisdom of Christ. His path we follow, his truth we uphold, his life we share. Now we know, and now we get to live.


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