John 10:18  No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down on My own accord.

John Griffith worked as the controller of a huge railroad drawbridge across the mighty Mississippi River. One summer day in 1937, John brought his eight-year-old-son to work. Suddenly, they heard a train whistle in the distance. It was the 1:07, the Memphis Express, with four hundred passengers. John put his hand on the huge lever that controlled the bridge. Then he looked down, and his heart jumped into his throat. His son had slipped and was stuck in the gearbox that operated the massive bridge. The boy's left leg was caught between two gears. The father knew that if he pushed the lever, his son would be chewed up in eight tons of grinding steel. John Griffith buried his head in his arms and pushed the lever forward. The huge bridge slowly lowered into place just as the Memphis Express roared across the river.

This moving story illustrates God the Father's sacrifice of His Son - but there is one big difference. Good Friday wasn't the Father's knee=jerk reaction to a world plummeting to destruction. Calvary wasn't a sudden decision made in the heat of the moment. Christ controlled the events leading up to His death. Jesus laid down His life of His own accord. There's more.

Along with His Father, Christ not only orchestrates His own death for our salvation, but He also guides and directs our lives with His might and endless mercy. We can rest in His loving arms today and always.

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