John 10:27  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

An anniversary card depicts a husband and wife in their golden years, sitting on a park bench. The wife snuggles up to her husband and says, "It's so nice to have you near." To which the husband responds, "Why, yes, I'd like another beer!"

Sometimes it's hard to listen - especially to Jesus, especially when you're a sheep. Sheep are easily distracted - especially by nasal flies, botflies, and warble flies. When tormented by these pests, it's impossible for sheep to lie down and rest. Instead, they're up and on their feet, stamping their legs and shaking their heads. Even a jackrabbit, suddenly bounding from behind a bush, can cause an entire flock to stampede.

When the Good Shepherd speaks, what do you do? Maybe you don't listen because the TV is on. Or maybe you're distracted by your Facebook account. Then again, maybe all you listen to is your own voice of doom and gloom, chaos and confusion.

On Easter, Mary Magdalene shows a better way. "Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' She turned and said to Him in Aramaic, 'Rabboni!' (which means Teacher)" (John 20:16). Mary heard the voice of the Good Shepherd. The voice is unmistakable. No one had ever said her name with such tenderness. "Mary!" She looks up and, in sudden recognition, knows that it's Jesus. It's Jesus! He is not dead. He is risen from the grave. Let's listen to Jesus all our days!


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