I am the vine, you are the branches. John 15:5 

It is important for us in grasping the true sense of ownership that we recognize our place. We are branches, attached to Jesus as the Vine. We find our source in the Vine and in the Vine alone. We are not in a position to boast. If the branches fall off or are pruned from the vine, they will wither and die. 

 Connections make a difference in our lives. We have parents, teachers, mentors and leaders who have all contributed to make us who we are today. Through them, some doors have been opened in our lives. Christ is the one through whom we become new people, born in baptism, nourished and sustained, and encouraged to branch out that others may find through us Christ’s love. Martin Luther said that “when the heart is born anew in Christ, fruits will follow naturally, such as the confession of the Gospel, works of love, obedience, and patience.” Share the great connection in Christ!

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