Colossians 2:9-10  For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him, who is the head of all rule and authority.

During the 2000 presidential election, the phrase "fuzzy math" entered the national vocabulary. It was used by politicians to attack opponents' positions based on numbers that just didn't seem to add up. At first glance, the Holy Trinity seems to be a good example of fuzzy math. How can 1 father + 1 Son + 1 Holy Spirit = 1 God? It doesn't add up. Even great minds like St. Augustine and Luther failed in their attempts to do the math.

Unlike politicians who use numbers to cloak, conceal, and confuse, God uses this complex equation to unveil, uncover, and unravel one of the great mysteries of Christian doctrine. Scripture is filled with passages detailing the existence and distinct role of each person of the Trinity. God the Father is the beginning and end of all creation. God the Son comes to earth as a human being to be sacrificed and resurrected for our salvation. God the Holy Spirit dwells with believers on earth to grow and sustain faith. The equation becomes fuzzy when we factor in Scripture's mention of there being only one God. Yet even in this seeming contradiction, God exposes and uncovers the root cause of sin that Satan recognizes and regularly exploits. We human beings want to be equal to God. The mystery of the Holy Trinity brings us humbly to our knees to confront and confess our own weakness. It turn our eyes to the kingdom of God, where we know all mysteries will one day be revealed.

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