Good Morning Church

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March 4, 2025

Jeremiah 31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

The dictionary defines everlasting as "never coming to an end; lasting forever; eternal." What kind of love could be described in such a way? Only the love God has poured out upon those who believe in Him.

It is difficult to imagine a love that will never end. Human beings are certainly capable of great love, but the wonder of a love that will never end is beyond our comprehension. God loves you so much, He knew you in your mother's womb - He knows everything about you from your thoughts to the desires of your heart, even to the number of hairs on your head! He knows your past, and He has forgiven you.

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). Jesus loved us enough to die for us; as Christians, we need to show the same sacrificial love toward others. His wonderful love is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. He holds us close and reaches out to us when we stray. He is always there to give us more and more - and the well of His love will never run dry! Praise Him for His everlasting love!


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

March 3, 2025

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Can you tell the future? Sure, there are lots of people who claim they can tell you what job you will have, whom you will marry, how long you will live - some even claim to know the day and the hour that Jesus will return. One thing is certain: The future is in God's hands and only He knows what is in store for you.

This doesn't mean you can just sit back and not think about what is ahead. Plans should be made for your well-being and security. Goals should be set. You do need to look ahead to the coming years. What it does mean is that, when you place your faith in God's leading, you don't have to worry about what lies ahead. God will give you the ability to gain what you need; He will provide you with strength to survive in time of trouble; He will give you a heart big enough to hold the joys He has in store for you.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6). When you walk by faith and live by faith, you can trust in God to guide you through your future and on into eternity.


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

February 26, 2025

Psalm 100:1-2  Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.

With our finite human minds, we cannot begin to imagine the celebration that takes place in the kingdom of heaven every time a sinner repents. And greater still will be the rejoicing when each sinner saved by grace enters the gates of heaven, welcomed by those who have gone before.

But for now, we can pray as Jesus taught us to pray - "Thy kingdom come". But how is that possible? How could His kingdom come? What exactly are we praying for when we say that? We're praying both for revival and for His return. When Christians all over the world unite their hearts and voices in praise! When His people pray - alone by their bedside or as thousands of believers - He will be there. When we praise, our voices join the chorus of millions, rising to heaven. As a result, the glory of God will fill the earth and His people will dance for joy. The nations will hear the praise of God's people; we can be a light shining in the darkness.

You can make a difference for God right where you are - in your home, at work, on vacation. Lift praises to God and be a true example of joy.


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

February 24, 2025

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus Loves Me. When you listen to this song, do you recall when you were a child, innocently singing the words in Sunday School? You believed the words without question. "Of course Jesus loves me. The Bible reels me so!" Then you grew up, and the childlike innocence evaporated.

At a Christian college, a student sat in her Biblical Literature class and asked. "How do we know Jesus loves us? How do we know the Bible is true?"

The professor replied, "You tell me. How do you know?"

The young coed responded that she didn't know. Her belief was based on what she had been taught as a child by her parents and her church. The wise professor explained that, like a nice house that needs a new foundation, she should keep in her heart everything she had been taught - she just needed to "jack up" the house and build a new foundation formed from the cement of her own prayer and study of God's Word. She did just that and, as a result, her faith was made stronger.

In your heart you know the truth - that Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life for you. Continue to strengthen the foundation and build the house of faith by learning more about Jesus and sharing your faith with others.

Does Jesus love you? Of course He does. The Bible tells you so!


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

February 20, 2025

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

The world today has many religions to offer those who are searching for answers. You could choose to believe whatever makes you comfortable - from reincarnation here on earth to populating your own planet in the afterlife.

But no matter where you look, there is one truth to Christianity that no other religion can claim: God sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of all mankind, and three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus provided the way for a sinful humanity to know God. Because of the cross, you can have a loving, personal relationship with God. Jesus is alive today, listening to the desires of your heart and answering when you call out to Him.

Yes, Jesus is the answer. Do you have a question about the meaning of life? Jesus is the answer. Do you wonder about your future? Jesus is the answer. Are your skies dark? Are you facing a mountain you don't think you can climb? Jesus is the answer. He knows your discouragement and fear, and He will help you find peace. He brings light to your darkest night.

The risen Savior is your answer, and the answer to anyone in the world who chooses to believe!


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

February 19, 2025

1 John 3:24 Those who obey his commands live in Him, and He in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit He gave us.

Obedience. Now there's a word that meets resistance. Due to our nature, we often balk at authority, at the very thought of doing what we're told.

Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, faced the question of obedience. He knew what lay ahead if He followed God's plan for Him. He would be mocked, His friends would desert Him, He would be whipped, nailed to a cross, die by suffocation, and endure total separation from God. he even asked God if He could get out of the whole situation, saying, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me." But in the same breath, He reaffirmed His commitment to obedience, "Yet not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

Jesus obeyed God's plan - he answered with a "yes" that resulted in salvation for all who believe. After all He's done for you, how, then, could you tell God "no" when he asks you for your obedience?

You can't always know or even predict the outcome of your obedience to God. But when you respond with a "Yes, Lord, yes," you can be assured He will use you for His glory. And you also can be assured that your life will be richer and fuller than you could ever have imagined.


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

February 6, 2025

Psalm 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

In the Old Testament, you'll find that the Israelites were often engaged in battle - most of the time for land or for freedom from oppressors. They gave credit to the Lord for their victories, for delivering them from the hand of their enemies. In Psalm 24, the priests inside the temple would ask, "Who is this King of glory? The people outside would respond, "The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle." Then the gates to the temple would be opened and the people would enter to worship and offer their thanksgiving to God.

Today, you can give credit to the Lord for your victories. The battles may be large (your triumph over an unhealthy or self-destructive habit) or small (you didn't lose your temper during the traffic jam). He is the one who delivers you in every situation. He provides patience or self-control when you need it the most. He hears and answers every time you call. He is the King, He is the Lord. Praise His name, the name of Jesus, the strong and mighty ruler of the kingdoms of this world - and of the kingdom of your heart.


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,
