Good Morning Church

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June 20, 2022

If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it. John 14:14 

Jesus’ very presence is like the presence of his Father in heaven. It is the Father who sent Jesus to be with us, to teach us, to heal us and to give his life for us so that we may all be brought home as children of our Father in heaven. So now he encourages us to pray to our Father as God’s own children, trusting that because it is Jesus who has invited us home, we are, in fact, welcomed in the Father’s presence and our requests are heard. 

Prayer helps us in the healing of all our scars. When children are hurt or injured and come to their parents for help, the parent is there to help. God knows how many bandages I have placed on the knees and elbows of my children and grandchildren, with a kiss and a hug. We trust the Father to hear us, even as the Father hears the prayers of his Son on our behalf

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

June 16, 2022

Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. Luke 24:31 

The disciples who were making their way home to Emmaus provided hospitality to a Stranger who had accompanied them along the way. But as they sat at table, the Stranger became the host, breaking bread and blessing it; and as he did, their eyes were opened. They were opened for the first time on this long, hard journey. Before this, they did not know him, and could only speak of their doubts and disbeliefs, frustrations and despair. But now they knew Him! This Stranger was no stranger at all. It was their Lord! 

Sometimes, maybe often, we cannot find the word of grace we are searching for. We may even find that our homes are empty because the powerful word we need to hear has not touched our ears or burned in our hearts. But Jesus makes his home with us. He did all along. He feeds us with love. And as he hosts us with this saving grace, we find all that had been closed in our lives (like tombs) lead to new openings for us and, through us, for the world. Wouldn’t we call this an occasion for great, resurrection-filled laughter?!

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

June 15, 2022

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Luke 23:34 

When Jesus was crucified, the first word he speaks to the people who want him dead is a word of forgiveness. He speaks it because they do not know that they are killing their own Messiah. He speaks it even before his enemies and accusers begin to speak, scoff and mock him. The Church wrestled deeply with this word. Some wanted the passage omitted altogether, thinking perhaps that this was not the time for forgiveness, or perhaps so as not to encourage anything that would put an unwelcome divide between him and his enemies. But the word of forgiveness was often on Jesus’ lips, and for all people—including outcasts and, yes, enemies. 

The first step in healing is forgiveness. Desmond Tutu once said, “Without forgiveness, there is no future.” Our Lord authorized us to pray for our forgiveness and connected it with forgiving those who sinned against us. When we hold onto grudges and evils that have transpired against us, we only harbor resentment that helps no one, and certainly provides no solace. But forgiveness heals. It heals us, it heals our families, and it heals all others—even our enemies. We were all enemies of God until Jesus came speaking a word of forgiveness—and giving his life for us all.

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

June 14, 2022

Blessed are those who have not seen. John 20:29 

The disciples who had gathered after the events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday had the empirical evidence of Jesus’ scars. Thomas was encouraged to test them as proof (John 20:27). The disciples were welcomed to come near to him, welcomed even to “touch and see” his resurrected presence in their midst (Luke 24:39). What joy to have the risen Lord among them! 

We who live now two millennia from this time get to hear this promising witness. And we are far removed temporarily from the empirical evidence of physically touching Jesus’ scars. Yet faith trusts that they are still there—that Jesus, who died on the cross and bore the pains and scars of death, is now risen from the tomb. And we proclaim it, “Christ is risen!” Faith grasps what our eyes and hands cannot experience. Jesus walks with wounded feet. His hands and side, pierced, are all still there for us in his resurrected presence in our midst. And it is this Jesus that endows our trust and hope in him and all that he has done for us as having the joyous reward of our being blessed by God! We shall, indeed, see how blessed we truly are!

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

June13, 2022

I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6 

Jesus offers many “I am” sayings in the Gospel of John, but this one stands out in particular because it is often one of the readings at funerals. Jesus has again spoken of his departure, and his words here are now a response to Thomas’ question, “How can we know the way?” But Jesus is the way—the way to follow, as we are called to be followers of this Cross-bearer. He is the truth of promise. He is the life that never ends. 

The early church often went under the title of those who “belonged to the Way” (Acts 9:2)—a description often associated with their persecution. The way is dangerous and may lead to suffering and death. One can understand how we, like Thomas, may struggle to understand it, let alone appreciate it. But when we know Who is leading, we have the wisdom of Christ. His path we follow, his truth we uphold, his life we share. Now we know, and now we get to live.


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

June 8, 2022

I tell you, I will never again drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom. Matthew 26:29 

Much happened on the night in which our Lord was betrayed. There were those who sought his death and found a willing accomplice in one of Jesus’ own disciples, Judas. Jesus would be arrested and taken off captive. Peter, who had promised never to desert his Lord, did so when pressed by those in the courtyard while Jesus was on trial. But there was also this moment when Jesus shared a last meal with his disciples, giving them the bread of life and the wine of forgiveness. 

We still share in that meal when we gather at our Lord’s altar. We eat and drink as he commanded—a command of gentleness and love, for it is for our forgiveness and wholeness. But in our celebration of communion, we also experience what this all means and where it is all leading—feasting at the table of our Lord. Jesus at table blessed sinners and tax collectors, you and me, and he invites all to a celebration at the final banquet where he, too, raises the cup of hope in our midst!

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,

June 7, 2022

Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:5-6 

Repeatedly, the message throughout the Scriptures is “do not fear.” But fear still comes in many forms. Why were these women fearful? They may be fearful of standing in the presence of God’s holy angel, even as the shepherds were on the hills of Bethlehem. They may be afraid of death, or maybe even life itself—where we are going, what tomorrow will bring. Or they may just be fearful creatures as many of us, in fact, are—fears that others may even sinfully exploit and manipulate. Fear is a constant companion for humanity. 

Our hope, however, is grounded not in our own strength of will, but in God who keeps his promise. Jesus, raised from the dead, is on the move after the resurrection to bring this promise to all people and to crush the reign of fear and death. “Come, see the place where he lay.” There is no death here, and there is nothing to fear. Life wins over death, and life itself is filled with the hope that all who shelter or cower in fear’s stronghold will be lifted up. 

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,
