Genesis 16:8  And the angel of the Lord said, "Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?" She said, "I am fleeing from my mistress Sarai."

Hagar had good reason to run away. She didn't ask for her body to be forced into baby-making slavery by Darai and Abram. She seems to have been a bit uppity when she got pregnant, yes, but that was no cause for Sarai to treat her cruelly. So when the Lord's messenger asked Hagar, "Where are you going?" she admitted she was running away.

We might not like the fact that God sent her back - back to her sufferings - but sometimes that's where the Lord, in His wisdom, does guide us. Back under the cross. Back under responsibility. He sustained Hagar as he will sustain us. The Lord of mercy, who was once a weak and vulnerable baby, is ever near the weak and vulnerable now. In joy or suffering, he guides us by his mercy.

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