Matthew 1:1  The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

When most readers today see that the New Testament opens with a genealogy, they yawn. Not so for Matthew's original readers. This was an epic revelation. Jesus, son of Mary, is a direct descendant of David and Abraham. The patriarch, who promised a descendant through whom the entire world would be blessed; David, who was promised a son who would sit on his throne forever; Jesus is that descendent and that son. Every branch of the family tree of the old covenant has led to the baby in Mary's arms.

His birth proclaims the faithfulness of God. Many centuries before, he had made the promise. His people waited and waited. But they didn't wait forever. The Christ Child is the embodiment of all the Father's promises. He is the Yes to everything God wants us to have. In his tiny baby body, no more than a few pounds, is the immeasurable weight of the Lord's love for us.

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