Psalm 104:30  When you send forth your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.

If we put the opening chapter of the Bible to music, it would sound like Psalm 104. In this song, the poet praises God for everything from winged angels to wild donkeys. He also reminds us of something we often forget: creation is not independent. Were God to cease speaking everything into ongoing existence, it would vanish into non-existence. Creation is wholly dependent upon the Creator. Rain falls because God sends it. The sun shines because God makes it. We breathe and walk and talk because the Word of God makes us so. Every tiny aspect of creation hinges on God's Spirit creating and renewing.

At Christmas, we celebrate God taking into himself. God with eyes and ears and tiny toes. You see, it wasn't enough for the Lord to be Creator; to save us, he needed to become a creature, too. So he did, gladly and graciously, to renew us as his own.

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