Luke 11:13  If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!

Well? What do you think? Do most parents know how to care for their children? They must, for about the most common reluctant commendations of even evil people is,  "He/she was a caring father/mother." The police have captured some wanted men in the past by keeping watch of their children, confident that the criminal father would contact his child.

Jesus makes His point: If it's true that bad folks can do good things for their sons and daughters, just imagine the great good that the author of good, the heavenly Father, will do for His! No evil comes from Him. No harm hides within His active care. Even the worst things that befall us, Paul testifies, are worked by our loving Lord into something very good (see Romans 8:28).

Do you want proof that that is true? Look at Calvary, on a Friday that only children of the Father could call good. What a great thing He did there for us!

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