Luke 12:7  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.

Jesus had just pointed out the birds in their commonness, their number, the way God cares for them. He stressed to His listeners that the Father knows the birds, each and every one of them!

And then He pushes the illustration either to absurdity or awe by adding that the Father even keeps track of the hair count of every human head!

But neither the birds or human hair are the point of His conversation. The point is us. The same God who has all that detailed, technical curiosity about birds and hair has an even more intense, watchful concern for every one of us. So says Jesus.

And proof? Then and now the proof is in the redemptive work of Christ so clearly spelled out in Scripture. He not only died to save all His children but sent His Spirit that we might believe in what He has done. Some God!

And if all that's so, what's to worry? About anything?

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