John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

The world today has many religions to offer those who are searching for answers. You could choose to believe whatever makes you comfortable - from reincarnation here on earth to populating your own planet in the afterlife.

But no matter where you look, there is one truth to Christianity that no other religion can claim: God sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of all mankind, and three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus provided the way for a sinful humanity to know God. Because of the cross, you can have a loving, personal relationship with God. Jesus is alive today, listening to the desires of your heart and answering when you call out to Him.

Yes, Jesus is the answer. Do you have a question about the meaning of life? Jesus is the answer. Do you wonder about your future? Jesus is the answer. Are your skies dark? Are you facing a mountain you don't think you can climb? Jesus is the answer. He knows your discouragement and fear, and He will help you find peace. He brings light to your darkest night.

The risen Savior is your answer, and the answer to anyone in the world who chooses to believe!


Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,