Psalm 100:1-2 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.
With our finite human minds, we cannot begin to imagine the celebration that takes place in the kingdom of heaven every time a sinner repents. And greater still will be the rejoicing when each sinner saved by grace enters the gates of heaven, welcomed by those who have gone before.
But for now, we can pray as Jesus taught us to pray - "Thy kingdom come". But how is that possible? How could His kingdom come? What exactly are we praying for when we say that? We're praying both for revival and for His return. When Christians all over the world unite their hearts and voices in praise! When His people pray - alone by their bedside or as thousands of believers - He will be there. When we praise, our voices join the chorus of millions, rising to heaven. As a result, the glory of God will fill the earth and His people will dance for joy. The nations will hear the praise of God's people; we can be a light shining in the darkness.
You can make a difference for God right where you are - in your home, at work, on vacation. Lift praises to God and be a true example of joy.
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