1 Peter 1:7 These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold - and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold.
As gold is heated to a temperature of nearly two thousand degrees, impurities rise to the surface, making them easy to remove. When the remaining gold is cooled, the result is a refined, pure, high-quality gold; it is precious and valuable.
We are precious to God and valuable enough for Him to have sent His Son to earth to suffer death on a cross. His death served as a payment for us to spend eternity in heaven with Him. As Christians, we know we have been cleansed of our sins, yet we constantly face the struggle with our sinful natures. What can we do? We can continually ask for God's cleansing fire. Each day, we can ask Him to purify us.
There is no need to fear the Refiner's fire. Isaiah submitted to the cleansing fire of a burning coal upon his lips. A cleansing process was necessary before Isaiah could fulfill his purpose as a prophet of God. God's method of purification may not be comfortable. It may force us to wrestle with issues buried deep with our hearts. It may even be painful. But submission to the cleansing fire of God will allow us to be made pure in His sight.
And that is all we could ever desire.
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