Matthew 19:16  What...must I do to get eternal life?

Among the various times I can imagine Jesus laughing is when a man asked Him how to get eternal life. Jesus told him to keep the commandments. The man implied that he had - perfectly - since he was a boy.

At this point I can imagine a tremendous hilarity overtaking Jesus, as He mused:" As if you could! Ho! Ho! Ho!"

You and I fail utterly on our own. But throwing ourselves at the feet of Christ, we receive mercy.

Imagine another person has arrived at the portals of heaven. A voice asks: "What is the password? Speak it and you may enter."

"The password?" the person replies tremulously. "Well, is it: 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'?"

"No," replies the voice.

"The righteous will live by faith?"


"For God so loved the world that He gave...?"

"Those are all true sayings," says the voice, "But they are not the password for which I listen today."

"Well, then, I give up," says the person.

"That's it! Come right on in!"

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