Romans 10:17  So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Blueprints. Lists. Tools. Materials. Workbench. Patience. Determination. Care. Discipline. Joy. All of these put together by a master craftsman produce a work that is meant to be both artistic and functional for daily living. The master craftsman "sees" what he will create and then creates what will be seen in the world.

God, our master craftsman, working through His Means of Grace, brings to us the materials and tools by which our very lives are saved for His best works. With written and spoken Scripture, with water, and with bread and wine, we are worked on faithfully by the Holy Spirit to bring the love and grace of Jesus into and out of each of our lives. We are made into new, beautiful creations through which the very life of Jesus functionally works in the world. We are crafted in ways only God can do to be the works of God in our homes and communities.

We are invited to be miniature craftspeople. We are to use the very Word made flesh who lives in us to share God's love and grace in the artistic, functional ways that God has created for us in our lives. For the joy set before Jesus, He saved us. For the joy set before us, we live Him out. Let's get to work!

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,